María Molina Peiró
María Molina is an audio-visual artist and filmmaker with a
background in fine arts. She works in an open format mixing
film, digital media and experimental animation.
María Molina´s films and art works have been showcased in
international museums like Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin),
EYE Film Museum (Amsterdam), MACBA (Museum of Modern
Art Barcelona), Hong-Gah Museum (Taipei), Centre de Cultura
Contemporània Barcelona (CCCB), MATADERO (Madrid) or
Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina (Serbia) among
others. Her works has been featured in festivals like
International Film Festival Rotterdam, Art Futura (Barcelona),
Taiwan Video Art Biennial, MADATAC (Madrid), VISS (Vienna
International Film Festival) or Forecast Forum (Berlin).
In her work she explores the increasingly blurred boundaries
between material and digital realities. She is
particularly interested in the relation between bits and minerals
and the convergences between different memory systems
(from Geology to Digital Memory).
Her films and installations often use metafiction,
postproduction and geo-tools to unfold layered realities that
connect humans, technology and nature. Her current research
focuses on humanity’s constant struggle with its temporal and
spatial limitations, and how this struggle has driven civilisation
and technology to change our relation with nature, time and
our understanding of life itself.
María holds a BA from the US (University of the Arts, Sevilla)
and graduated Cum Laude from the Master of Film at the
Netherlands Film Academy in Amsterdam, where she also won
the Dutch AHK Award for best Master Project.
2015-2017 Master in film. Netherland Film Academy
(Amsterdam). Graduated Cum Laude
2009. Computer Animation. School of Visual Arts (New York)
2007. Art and New Technologies. Universidad Europea
2005-2006. Audiovisual Art Design. Instituto Europeo de
Diseño IED (Madrid).
2004. Bachelor in Fine Arts. University of Seville.
Recent exhibitions, festivals and screenings
ISEA 25th International Symposium on Electronic Art
NABI Art Center, Seul (Korea)
VIS Vienna Shorts. International Film Festival
Vienna (Austria)
Indie Lisboa International Film Festival
Oficial Selection. Lisbon (Portugal)
GOSHORT International Short Film Festival
Oficial Selection. Nijmejen (The Netherlands)
Rencontres Internationales
Louvre Auditorium (Paris- France)
New Collection EYE Film
Eye Film Museum Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Portions of Share / FOCO Gallery
Lisbon / Curated by Luísa Santos
LIMA Collection
LAB 111
Variscoop - Polderlicht
De Jungle Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Clermont-Ferrand Maison de la culture.
IFFR International Film Festival Rotterdam
Tigger Awards Competition Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Cosmic Cinema / Tentacular Gallery.
Bangkog / Curated by Abhijan Toto
Bloom Awards-November- Düsseldorf (Germany)
Kasseler Dokfest
Oficial Selection - Selected for A38 production Grant Kassel
Kassel (Germany)
Dumbo Film Festival
Oficial Selection
MODERN BODY festival
The Grey Space- The Hague (Netherlads)
VIFA International Videoart Festival
CCSM Centro Cultural San Martin - Buenos Aires (Argentina).
VAFFA International Videoart Festival
Honkong / Macao (China)
NMF Miami New Media Festival
Concrete Gallery Miami.
Festival de Derechos humanos de Madrid
MATADERO Madrid (Spain)
SHIFT Film Festival
Maastricht (Netherlands)
NODOCS Festival
Caracas (Venezuela)
AESTHETICA Film Festival
Oficial Selection
York (UK)
BAM International New Media Art Festival
Liege (Belgium)
TAIWAN International Videoart Biennale
Hong- Gah Museum (Taipei)
Proyector Videoart Festival
Videomedeja International Video and New Media
Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina (Serbia)
UNSEEN Festival
Gildar Gallery. Denver (USA) Curated by Jacob D. Barrera.
VEA International Video Art Biennal
Puebla, México.
Forecast Forum
Selected by artis Omer Fast
Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin, Germany)
DOC HOTS Film Festival.
Oficial Selection
Turin (Italy)
IVAHM New Media Festival
La Néomudejar Madrid (Spain)
Ibrida Festival
Forly (Italy)
DC Independent Film Festival
Oficial Selection
Washignton DC (USA)
Top Jury award - Clermont Ferrand (France) March 2019s
Jury award - Madrid (Spain) February 2019
Finalist-Shortlisted - March 2019
Finalist-Shortlisted - November 2018
VIS Vienna International Short Film Festival - 2018
Award Animation Avant Garde / Special achievement
VAFA International Video Art Biennale - 2018
Grand Jury Prize
VEA International Videoart Festival - 2018
Grand Jury Prize
NODOCS Festival - 2018
Grand Jury Prize
AHK Prize 2017
Jury award
Residencies & gratns
Museum Quartier Vienna. Residency Q21
Santa Fe Art Institute SFAI (EEUU)
Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK)