1972-1976 Architecture and Urbanism College – FAUUSP, São Paulo / BRA
1996 Master at Multimedia Department of Art Institute of UNICAMP, São Paulo / BRA
2004 PhD in Semiotics at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo / BRA
2009 Pós Doctorate at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / BRA
Exhibitions, Seminars (selection)
Tanz Bewegung Geste Bild, Kunsthalle Göppingen, Göppingen / DE
Faces, Es Baluard, Palma de Mallorca / ES
Fairest on the Fair, Outpost, Manila / PHIL
El giro notacional, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y Léon, Léon / ES
Chance and Control, Victoria&Albert Museum, London / UK
Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985, Pinacoteca de São Paulo, SP / BRA
35. International Film Festival, Jerusalem / ISR
Coder Le Monde, Centre Pompidou, Paris / FR
Radical Woman: Latin American Art, 1960-1985, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn NY / USA
Unforgettable Kicks, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro / BRA
Algoritmos Suaves, Valencia / ES
Los Algorotimos Suave, Centre del Carme, Valencia / ES
First Reception. Analivia Cordeiro & Aldona Kut, Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt / DE
Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles / USA
Movement Notation Workshop– from Computer Dance to Nota-Anna, Centro Pecci, Prato / IT
A Dança como Cinema (Dance as Movies), at CINUSP Paulo Emílio, University of Sao Paulo / BRA
M 3x3 installation at the exhibition The End of The World, Centro Pecci / IT
B3 Biennale, Frankfurt am Main / DE
10th Biennale Mercosul, Porto Alegre / BRA
Exposicção Manuara na Livraria da Vila, Shopping JK, São Paulo / BRA
M 3x3 creation documents na Moving Image Contours: Points for a Surrounding
Movement at Tabakalera in San Sebastián / ES
Movement Notation Workshop– from Computer Dance to Nota-Anna, Tabakalera / ESSan Sebastian-Donostia / ES
Movement Notation – from Computer Dance to NotaAnna, (W) Mercosul Bienal, Porto Alegre / BRA
Zonas de Contato, Paço das Artes / BRA
Bienal Mercosul, Porto Alegre / BRA
SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles / USA
The 1999-2000 Sawyers Seminar at University of Chicago / USA
L’Ombra dei Maestri – Rudolf Laban: gli spazi della danza, Università degli Studi di Bologna / IT
27th Annual Dance on Camera Festival, New York / USA
Art of Space Era at Von Braun Civic Center of Huntsville Museum of Art / USA
International Conference Computer & Humanities/ 2 at University of Southern California
WGBH - TV Public Channel / USA
20th American Dance Guild Conference, New York / USA
LatinAmerica 74 at Institute of Contemporary Arts, London / UK
International Festival of Edinburgh / UK
XII Bienal de São Paulo / BRA
The Bat-Sheva Seminar on Interaction of Art and Science, Jerusalem / ISR
Choreography and Dance Interpretations
M3x3 installation in the exhibition Soft Algorithms, Comunitat dei Musei of Valencia, Valencia / ES
Sculptures, videos M3x3, Trajectory, Micron Virtues, Air, Architecture of the
movement, Note-Anna in the individual exhibition Chutes Unforgettable, Museum
of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro / BRA
M3x3 and creation documents at the exhibition Encoder Le Monde, Center Pompidou, Paris / FR
M3x3 at the exhibition Chance and Control, Victoria & Albert Museum, London / UK
M3x3 no 35. International Film Festival, Jerusalem / ISR
M3x3 at LOOP Art Festival, Barcelona / ES
M3x3 at LatinAmerican Videos, Los Angeles / USA
M3x3 and Cambiantes at the Radical Women exhibition, Hammer Museum, Los
Angeles; Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA; and Pinacoteca, São Paulo / BRA
M3x3 in Videos view in LatinAmerica, Laxart, Los Angeles / USA
M3x3 Installation at the End of the World exhibition, Centro Pecci, Prato / IT
M3x3 at A Dance as Cinema, CINUSP Paulo Emílio, USP / BRA
M3x3 installation at Anita Beckers Galerie booth at International Art Fair ARCO,
Madrid / ES
M3x3 installation, M3x3 creation documents at Moving Image Contours: Points
for a Surrounding Movement, Tabakalera, San Sebastián / ES
M3x3 Installation at B3 Moving Image, Frankfurth / DE
Manuara, Brazilian Museum of Sculpture MuBE, São Paulo / BRA
M3x3 installation 1 at SP Arte, Anita Beckers Galerie, São Paulo / BRA
Improvisations "Angulos Challenges" and "From Skin to Space" at Musicircus,
Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre, RS / BRA
piece "Prepared Body" at RadioVisual at Mercosul Biennial, RS / BRA
M3x3 in the exhibition "1969-1974 one day that have finished" Museum of
Contemporary Art USP, São Paulo / BRA
Unsquare Dance with X-Motion software and Choreographies in co-authorship
with Luiz Velho, Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada Rio de Janeiro / BRA
Unsquare Dance Choreography at SIGGRAPH / USA
"M3x3" in the show Made in Brazil, Instituto Cultural Itaú, São Paulo / BRA
Video exhibition: "Laban's Concepts of Movement", "0-45", "Slow Billie Scan" and
"Striptease" at the IX International Festival of Videodance - Il Coreografo
Elettronico, Institut Français de Naples Grenoble, June 1999 / BRA
Exhibition of the "Striptease" video at the 27th Annual Dance on Camera
Festival, Walter Reade Theater at Lincoln Center, New York / USA
Striptease and 0 = 45 in the Mediaçòes exhibition, at Instituto Cultural Itau, São Paulo / BRA
M3x3, 0 = 45, Cambiantes and Trajectories in the 4. Image Technology Studio.
M3x3 in the exhibition "Brazil Sec.XX". Bienal de São Paulo São Paulo / BRA
Cambiantes of the Video Dance - Carlton Dance Festival, MIS, São Paulo / BRA
Transmission by the Slow-Scan system of Slow Billie Scan of the Museum of
Image and Sound for the Dax group, Carnegie Mellon University / USA
0 = 45 in Brazil'70 / 80 - new media / multimedia, FAAP, São Paulo. / BRA
Cambiantes in Informatics 84, Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro / BRA
Cambiantes and M3x3 in the 1st Exhibition of Computational Arts of SUCESU-SP / BRA
Video Dance Workshop under the direction of Merce Cunningham and Charles
Atlas, Merce Cunningham Dance Studio, New York / USA
Janette Stoner Dance Company at Carl Schurlz Park H. Field, NY / USA
Street Performances - Rits & Runs II directed by Gus Solomons Jr., NY / USA
Choreography: Brazilian Memories at Brook Theater, New York / USA
Cambiantes in Art of Space Era, Von Braun Civic Center of Huntsville Museum of
Art, Alabama / USA
M3x3, Gestures and 0 = 45 at the 20th American Dance Guild Conference by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge / USA
M3x3, Gestures and 0 = 45, public TV station - WGBH -, Boston / USA
Choreography, programming, direction and interpretation: Computer Dance -
Cambiantes -, processed in the Computing Center of UNICAMP.
M3x3 and Gestures in Latin America 74, Espace Cardin, Paris / FR
M3x3 and Gestures at the Galleria Civica D'Arte Moderna, Ferrara / IT
M3x3 and Gestos at the International Conference Computer & Humanities / 2,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles / USA
Choreography, programming, direction and interpretation: Computer Video-
Dance - 0 = 45 - processed at Computer Center of UNICAMP.
M3x3, Gestures and 0 = 45: Goethe Institute, São Paulo / BRA
M3x3 in Systems Art in LatinAmerica, International Cultureel Centrum, Antwerp / BEL
M3x3 in Latin American Films and Video Tapes, Media Study of State University of
New York, Buffalo / USA
M3x3 in the Center of Art and Communication CAYC, Buenos Aires / ARG
Artistic Research at the State University of Campinas, TV Cultura de São Paulo / BRA
Choreography, programming, direction and interpretation: Computer Dance -
Gestures - processed in the Computing Center of UNICAMP / BRA
M3x3 and Gestures in The Bat-Sheva Seminar on Interaction of Art and Science, Jerusalem / ISR
M3x3 and Gestures at LatinAmerica74, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, England.1974 / UK
M3x3 and Gestures: course Esthétique et Mass Media: la Télévision taught by
René Berger, Université de Lausanne / CH
Methods of Creation in Dance on TV Cultura de São Paulo / BRA
Choreography, programming, direction and interpretation: Computer Video-
Dance - M3x3, Computer Center of UNICAMP and TV Cultura de São Paulo / BRA
M3x3 at Interact Man: Machine: Society, International Festival of Edinburgh, Scotland / UK
M3x3 at the XII São Paulo Biennial / BRA
Maria Duchenes Group in several presentations in São Paulo / BRA
Architecture, Documentary and Fine Arts
Work of Mobile Art - DJMobile co-authored with Nilton Lobo, in Life Goes Mobile
space, NokiaTrends, curated by Lucas Bambozzi, Anhembi, São Paulo / BRA
Work of Mobile Art - Ex-Image co-authored with Nilton Lobo, Life Goes Mobile,
NokiaTrends, curated by Lucas Bambozzi, Cais do Porto, Rio de Janeiro / BRA
Conception and direction of CD-Rom Waldemar Cordeiro, Galeria Brito Cimino, São Paulo / BRA
Movie Kwarùp at the Contemporary Dance Workshop of UFB, Salvador.
S-8 filming of the Kwarùp ritual ceremony in the Kamaiurá tribe in the Xingu
National Park. Assembly and edition sponsored by FAPESP / BRA
Premio Acquisition of the film M3x3 by MAC USP.
Multienvironment, representing FAU USP in 1st. Bienal de Arquitetura, São Paulo / BRA
Costume at the Maria Duschenes Group show of the National Theater Festival, São Paulo / BRA
Prize of the Art for Young People exhibition of the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo / BRA
Distinguished work at MAC USP.
Didactic Activities
Wellness, Therapy and Technology workshop, Centro Pecci / IT
workshop Movement Notation - from Computer Dance to Note-Anna, Centro Pecci, Prato / IT
Workshop Notation of the Movement - from Computer Dance to Nota-Anna, 10. Mercosur
Workshop "Searching for Cyber-Harmony: a dialogue between body awareness
and electronic media", Kinetic-Digital exhibition, ItauCultural, São Paulo / BRA
Workshop Movement Notation - from Computer Dance to Note-Anna,
Tabakalera, San Sebastian-Donostia / BRA
Workshop at the II International Symposium on Dance in Wheelchairs, UNICAMP, São Paulo / BRA
Workshop "the 1999-2000 Sawyer Seminar at The University of Chicago",
October, Chicago / USA
Lecture / demonstration at the meeting "L'Ombra dei Maestri - Rudolf Laban: gli
spazi della danza", Università degli Studi di Bologna / IT
classes for the Fashion Course of Faculdade Santa Marcelina, São Paulo / BRA
"Nota-Anna and the Laban Method" Workshop, Itaú Cultural Institute, São Paulo / BRA
Course Laban Method in the Specialization Course - Jungian Psychotherapy with
a focus on physio-psicological integration, Sedes Sapientae Institute, São Paulo / BRA
Course Laban Method, graduate of the Course of Performing Arts of ECA USP.
Course Laban Method applied to Dance in the Training Center in Contemporary
Dance, Cultural Office Oswald de Andrade, São Paulo / BRA
Course Laban Method of Movement Analysis at the Institute of Psychology, USP.
Direction and classes at Escola Danças Analívia, São Paulo / BRA
Movie M3x3, on the program of the "Bezalel Academy of Arts", Jerusalem / ISR
Dance for children in the "Pró-Art" Music Seminars, São Paulo / BRA
Awards, Collections and Scholarships
Nomination as a Member of the International Dance Council CID of Unesco
Movement notation 1976 in the archive of the artist Oskar Schlemmer, Switzerland / CH
M3x3 video and paper A Language for Dance at the Victoria & Albert Museum collection, London / UK
BEEP Award for Electronic Art, ARCO Art Fair, Madrid / ES
M3x3: video, photos and documents in the collection of the Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid / ES
M3x3installation in the collection of the Museum of Concrete Art, Ingolstadt / DE
Scholarship by FAPESP Foundation of Research Support of the State of São Paulo / BRA
Scholarship by FAPESP Foundation of Research Support of the State of São Paulo / BRA
Scholarship by CnPQ for the edition of the film Kwarìp.
M3x3 in the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art of USP / BRA
Prize of the Contest of Art for Young people of the newspaper "The State of São Paulo" / BRA
Analívia Cordeiro
1972-1976 Architecture and Urbanism College – FAUUSP, São Paulo / BRA 1996 Master at Multimedia Department of Art Institute of UNICAMP, São Paulo / BRA 2004 PhD in Semiotics at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo / BRA 2009 Pós Doctorate at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / BRA Exhibitions, Seminars (selection) 2019Tanz Bewegung Geste Bild, Kunsthalle Göppingen, Göppingen / DEFaces, Es Baluard, Palma de Mallorca / ESFairest on the Fair, Outpost, Manila / PHILEl giro notacional, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y Léon, Léon / ES 2018Chance and Control, Victoria&Albert Museum, London / UKRadical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985, Pinacoteca de São Paulo, SP / BRA35. International Film Festival, Jerusalem / ISRCoder Le Monde, Centre Pompidou, Paris / FRRadical Woman: Latin American Art, 1960-1985, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn NY / USAUnforgettable Kicks, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro / BRAAlgoritmos Suaves, Valencia / ESLos Algorotimos Suave, Centre del Carme, Valencia / ES 2017First Reception. Analivia Cordeiro & Aldona Kut, Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt / DERadical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles / USA 2016Movement Notation Workshop– from Computer Dance to Nota-Anna, Centro Pecci, Prato / ITA Dança como Cinema (Dance as Movies), at CINUSP Paulo Emílio, University of Sao Paulo / BRAM 3x3 installation at the exhibition The End of The World, Centro Pecci / IT 2015B3 Biennale, Frankfurt am Main / DE10th Biennale Mercosul, Porto Alegre / BRAExposicção Manuara na Livraria da Vila, Shopping JK, São Paulo / BRAM 3x3 creation documents na Moving Image Contours: Points for a SurroundingMovement at Tabakalera in San Sebastián / ESMovement Notation Workshop– from Computer Dance to Nota-Anna, Tabakalera / ESSan Sebastian-Donostia / ESMovement Notation – from Computer Dance to NotaAnna, (W) Mercosul Bienal, Porto Alegre / BRA 2011Zonas de Contato, Paço das Artes / BRA 2009Bienal Mercosul, Porto Alegre / BRA 2008SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles / USA 1999The 1999-2000 Sawyers Seminar at University of Chicago / USAL’Ombra dei Maestri – Rudolf Laban: gli spazi della danza, Università degli Studi di Bologna / IT199827th Annual Dance on Camera Festival, New York / USA 1978Art of Space Era at Von Braun Civic Center of Huntsville Museum of Art / USA 1976International Conference Computer & Humanities/ 2 at University of Southern CaliforniaWGBH - TV Public Channel / USA20th American Dance Guild Conference, New York / USA 1974LatinAmerica 74 at Institute of Contemporary Arts, London / UK 1973International Festival of Edinburgh / UKXII Bienal de São Paulo / BRAThe Bat-Sheva Seminar on Interaction of Art and Science, Jerusalem / ISR Choreography and Dance Interpretations 2018M3x3 installation in the exhibition Soft Algorithms, Comunitat dei Musei of Valencia, Valencia / ESSculptures, videos M3x3, Trajectory, Micron Virtues, Air, Architecture of themovement, Note-Anna in the individual exhibition Chutes Unforgettable, Museumof Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro / BRAM3x3 and creation documents at the exhibition Encoder Le Monde, Center Pompidou, Paris / FRM3x3 at the exhibition Chance and Control, Victoria & Albert Museum, London / UKM3x3 no 35. International Film Festival, Jerusalem / ISR 2017M3x3 at LOOP Art Festival, Barcelona / ESM3x3 at LatinAmerican Videos, Los Angeles / USAM3x3 and Cambiantes at the Radical Women exhibition, Hammer Museum, LosAngeles; Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA; and Pinacoteca, São Paulo / BRAM3x3 in Videos view in LatinAmerica, Laxart, Los Angeles / USA 2016M3x3 Installation at the End of the World exhibition, Centro Pecci, Prato / ITM3x3 at A Dance as Cinema, CINUSP Paulo Emílio, USP / BRA 2015M3x3 installation at Anita Beckers Galerie booth at International Art Fair ARCO,Madrid / ESM3x3 installation, M3x3 creation documents at Moving Image Contours: Pointsfor a Surrounding Movement, Tabakalera, San Sebastián / ESM3x3 Installation at B3 Moving Image, Frankfurth / DE 2014Manuara, Brazilian Museum of Sculpture MuBE, São Paulo / BRA 2013M3x3 installation 1 at SP Arte, Anita Beckers Galerie, São Paulo / BRA 2009Improvisations Angulos Challenges and From Skin to Space at Musicircus,Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre, RS / BRApiece Prepared Body at RadioVisual at Mercosul Biennial, RS / BRA 2008M3x3 in the exhibition 1969-1974 one day that have finished Museum ofContemporary Art USP, São Paulo / BRA 2007Unsquare Dance with X-Motion software and Choreographies in co-authorshipwith Luiz Velho, Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada Rio de Janeiro / BRAUnsquare Dance Choreography at SIGGRAPH / USA 2003M3x3 in the show Made in Brazil, Instituto Cultural Itaú, São Paulo / BRA 1999Video exhibition: Laban's Concepts of Movement, 0-45, Slow Billie Scan andStriptease at the IX International Festival of Videodance - Il CoreografoElettronico, Institut Français de Naples Grenoble, June 1999 / BRA 1998Exhibition of the Striptease video at the 27th Annual Dance on CameraFestival, Walter Reade Theater at Lincoln Center, New York / USA 1997Striptease and 0 = 45 in the Mediaçòes exhibition, at Instituto Cultural Itau, São Paulo / BRA 1996M3x3, 0 = 45, Cambiantes and Trajectories in the 4. Image Technology Studio. 1994M3x3 in the exhibition Brazil Sec.XX. Bienal de São Paulo São Paulo / BRA 1988Cambiantes of the Video Dance - Carlton Dance Festival, MIS, São Paulo / BRA 1987Transmission by the Slow-Scan system of Slow Billie Scan of the Museum ofImage and Sound for the Dax group, Carnegie Mellon University / USA 19850 = 45 in Brazil'70 / 80 - new media / multimedia, FAAP, São Paulo. / BRA 1984Cambiantes in Informatics 84, Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro / BRA 1983Cambiantes and M3x3 in the 1st Exhibition of Computational Arts of SUCESU-SP / BRA 1978Video Dance Workshop under the direction of Merce Cunningham and CharlesAtlas, Merce Cunningham Dance Studio, New York / USAJanette Stoner Dance Company at Carl Schurlz Park H. Field, NY / USAStreet Performances - Rits & Runs II directed by Gus Solomons Jr., NY / USAChoreography: Brazilian Memories at Brook Theater, New York / USACambiantes in Art of Space Era, Von Braun Civic Center of Huntsville Museum ofArt, Alabama / USA 1976M3x3, Gestures and 0 = 45 at the 20th American Dance Guild Conference by theMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge / USAM3x3, Gestures and 0 = 45, public TV station - WGBH -, Boston / USAChoreography, programming, direction and interpretation: Computer Dance -Cambiantes -, processed in the Computing Center of UNICAMP. 1975M3x3 and Gestures in Latin America 74, Espace Cardin, Paris / FRM3x3 and Gestures at the Galleria Civica D'Arte Moderna, Ferrara / ITM3x3 and Gestos at the International Conference Computer & Humanities / 2,University of Southern California, Los Angeles / USAChoreography, programming, direction and interpretation: Computer Video-Dance - 0 = 45 - processed at Computer Center of UNICAMP.M3x3, Gestures and 0 = 45: Goethe Institute, São Paulo / BRA 1974M3x3 in Systems Art in LatinAmerica, International Cultureel Centrum, Antwerp / BELM3x3 in Latin American Films and Video Tapes, Media Study of State University ofNew York, Buffalo / USAM3x3 in the Center of Art and Communication CAYC, Buenos Aires / ARGArtistic Research at the State University of Campinas, TV Cultura de São Paulo / BRAChoreography, programming, direction and interpretation: Computer Dance -Gestures - processed in the Computing Center of UNICAMP / BRAM3x3 and Gestures in The Bat-Sheva Seminar on Interaction of Art and Science, Jerusalem / ISRM3x3 and Gestures at LatinAmerica74, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, England.1974 / UKM3x3 and Gestures: course Esthétique et Mass Media: la Télévision taught byRené Berger, Université de Lausanne / CH 1973Methods of Creation in Dance on TV Cultura de São Paulo / BRAChoreography, programming, direction and interpretation: Computer Video-Dance - M3x3, Computer Center of UNICAMP and TV Cultura de São Paulo / BRAM3x3 at Interact Man: Machine: Society, International Festival of Edinburgh, Scotland / UKM3x3 at the XII São Paulo Biennial / BRA 1966/71Maria Duchenes Group in several presentations in São Paulo / BRA Architecture, Documentary and Fine Arts 2005Work of Mobile Art - DJMobile co-authored with Nilton Lobo, in Life Goes Mobilespace, NokiaTrends, curated by Lucas Bambozzi, Anhembi, São Paulo / BRAWork of Mobile Art - Ex-Image co-authored with Nilton Lobo, Life Goes Mobile,NokiaTrends, curated by Lucas Bambozzi, Cais do Porto, Rio de Janeiro / BRA 1999Conception and direction of CD-Rom Waldemar Cordeiro, Galeria Brito Cimino, São Paulo / BRA 1980Movie Kwarùp at the Contemporary Dance Workshop of UFB, Salvador. 1975S-8 filming of the Kwarùp ritual ceremony in the Kamaiurá tribe in the XinguNational Park. Assembly and edition sponsored by FAPESP / BRA 1974Premio Acquisition of the film M3x3 by MAC USP. 1973Multienvironment, representing FAU USP in 1st. Bienal de Arquitetura, São Paulo / BRA 1969Costume at the Maria Duschenes Group show of the National Theater Festival, São Paulo / BRA 1967Prize of the Art for Young People exhibition of the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo / BRADistinguished work at MAC USP. Didactic Activities 2017Wellness, Therapy and Technology workshop, Centro Pecci / IT 2016workshop Movement Notation - from Computer Dance to Note-Anna, Centro Pecci, Prato / IT 2015Workshop Notation of the Movement - from Computer Dance to Nota-Anna, 10. MercosurWorkshop Searching for Cyber-Harmony: a dialogue between body awarenessand electronic media, Kinetic-Digital exhibition, ItauCultural, São Paulo / BRAWorkshop Movement Notation - from Computer Dance to Note-Anna,Tabakalera, San Sebastian-Donostia / BRA 2002Workshop at the II International Symposium on Dance in Wheelchairs, UNICAMP, São Paulo / BRA 1999Workshop the 1999-2000 Sawyer Seminar at The University of Chicago,October, Chicago / USALecture / demonstration at the meeting L'Ombra dei Maestri - Rudolf Laban: glispazi della danza, Università degli Studi di Bologna / IT 1995/97classes for the Fashion Course of Faculdade Santa Marcelina, São Paulo / BRA 1997Nota-Anna and the Laban Method Workshop, Itaú Cultural Institute, São Paulo / BRA 1996Course Laban Method in the Specialization Course - Jungian Psychotherapy witha focus on physio-psicological integration, Sedes Sapientae Institute, São Paulo / BRA 1990Course Laban Method, graduate of the Course of Performing Arts of ECA USP.Course Laban Method applied to Dance in the Training Center in ContemporaryDance, Cultural Office Oswald de Andrade, São Paulo / BRA 1989Course Laban Method of Movement Analysis at the Institute of Psychology, USP. 1983-1987Direction and classes at Escola Danças Analívia, São Paulo / BRA 1975Movie M3x3, on the program of the Bezalel Academy of Arts, Jerusalem / ISR 1972-1973Dance for children in the Pró-Art Music Seminars, São Paulo / BRA Awards, Collections and Scholarships 2019Nomination as a Member of the International Dance Council CID of Unesco 2017Movement notation 1976 in the archive of the artist Oskar Schlemmer, Switzerland / CHM3x3 video and paper A Language for Dance at the Victoria & Albert Museum collection, London / UK 2015BEEP Award for Electronic Art, ARCO Art Fair, Madrid / ESM3x3: video, photos and documents in the collection of the Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid / ES 2014M3x3installation in the collection of the Museum of Concrete Art, Ingolstadt / DE 2000Scholarship by FAPESP Foundation of Research Support of the State of São Paulo / BRA 1996Scholarship by FAPESP Foundation of Research Support of the State of São Paulo / BRA 1976Scholarship by CnPQ for the edition of the film Kwarìp. 1974M3x3 in the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art of USP / BRA 1967Prize of the Contest of Art for Young people of the newspaper The State of São Paulo / BRA