Born 1980, Amsterdam
Lives and works everywhere
Solo and two-person exhibitions
Everything you see is in the past, Postmasters Gallery, New York
Cold Void, KK Outlet, Los Angeles
6 websites, Salon 94 Bowery, New York (arranged by Mark Brown)
In Motion, W/--- Projects, New York
Everything Always Everywhere, Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles
Without Hesitation, Tokyo (in collaboration with Calvin Klein Global Creative Director Kevin Carrigan)
Everything Dies, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Germany (curated by Vlado Velkov)
In and Out, Tetem, The Netherlands
New Information, Nordin Gallery, Stockholm
In Motion, W/--- Projects, New York (curated by Jiminie Ha)
The Shift, W139, Amsterdam (curated by Tim Voss)
To Walk The Night, Gloria Maria Gallery, Milan
Thank You Very Much, Future Gallery, Berlin
Perfect Vacuum, Galeri Pictura, Sweden (curated by Johanna Bergmark)
Broken Self, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York
Yes For Sure, NIMk, Amsterdam (curated by Petra Heck)
I’m good, TSCA, Tokyo
Really Really Big, NP3, Groningen
Flaming Log, Carmelitas Gallery, Barcelona
Piece by Piece, Galeria dels Angels, Barcelona (curated by Marti Peran)
Neen Season, Sketch, London
It Will Never be the Same, Quarantine, Amsterdam
New Rafael, M+R Gallery, London
White Trash, Electronic Orphanage, Los Angeles
Selected group exhibitions
Liquid Crystal Display: Young Artworks with Jeremy Blake, Honor Fraser, Los Angeles (curated by Michael Connor and
Nate Hitchcock)
Paddles On!, Philips, New York (curated by Lindsey Howard)
Being in the Wired World, Kawasaki City Museum, Japan
Book Machine, Centre Pompidou, Paris (curated by One Star Press)
Node Festival, Kunstverein Frankfurt
#FutureMyth, 319 Scholes, New York
Brand Innovations for Ubiquitous Authorship, Carroll/Fletcher, London
Art Brussels (with Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles)
Proyecto Basurto, Mexico City (organized by Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles)
Notes on a New Nature: Place, Myth and Memory, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (curated by Nicholas O'Brien)
DECENTER, Abrons Arts Center, New York (curated by Andrianna Campbell & Daniel S. Palmer)
BYOB Mobile, Printed Matter, New York
Mythology Online, Polytechnical Museum, Moscow
Bright Lights After Armageddon, Pablo’s Birthday, New York (curated by Mark Brown)
Seoul Square, Seoul, Korea (curated by Lauren Cornell and the New Museum)
BYOB MOCA LA, MOCA Geffen, Los Angeles (curated by Mike D)
Richteriana, Postmasters Gallery, New York
Dotcom, Centre d’Art Bastille, Grenoble
Nova, Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo
DLD Conference, Germany (curated by Johannes Fricke & Hans Ulrich Obrist)
BYOB: Games, Postmasters Gallery, New York (curated by Paul Slocum,)
Extimacy, CACT, Lugano, Switzerland (curated by Pier Giorgio De Pinto)
BYOB Amsterdam, W139 (curator)
BYOB Tokyo, Tokyo (curated by Yosuke Kurita)
BYOB Venezia, Venice Biennial (curator)
File Festival, Rio de Janeiro
Rhizome at the Armory, New York (curated by Lauren Cornell)
BYOB Paris, Paris (curated by Nicolas Maigret)
BYOB London, London (curated by Kernel)
Rojo Nova Festival, Rio de Janeiro (curated by David Quiles Guilló)
DLD Conference, Munich (curated by Johannes Fricke)
Speedshow/PeepShow, Hong Kong (curated by Hitomi Hasegawa)
BYOB NYC, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York (curator)
Bal Jaune Ricard, Paris (curated by Claire Staebler)
BYOB Athens, Kunsthalle Athena (curated by Angelo Plessas)
Speedshow, Amsterdam (curated by Aram Bartholl)
Happy is a place, Mexico City (curated by Violeta Solís Horcasitas)
Taipei Art Fair with TSCA, Taiwan
BYOB (bring your own beamer), Berlin (curated with Anne de Vries)
Binary Code View, The Agency, London
Kunsthalle Athena, Athens (curated by Marina Fokidis)
Multiplex, Munich (curated by Vvork)
Preferiría (si) Hacerlo, Bogotá
Texture Maps, Nest, The Hague (curated by Eelco van der Lingen)
Circa art fair, Preteen gallery, Puerto Rico
Better Brain: Projected Manifestations of Futurity, Future Gallery, Berlin
Don’t worry, be happy!, Mama, Rotterdam (curated by Gerben Willers)
The Last Session, Amsterdam (curated by Jan van Woensel)
AFK sculpture park (away from keyboard), Berlin (curated by aids-3D)
Afficha Festival, Moscow (curated by Roman Mazurenko)
Biennale di Venezia, Padiglione Internet, Venice (curated by Miltos Manetas and Jan Aman)
The New Easy, Art News, Berlin (curated by Lars Eijssen)
Are you sure you are you?, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York
101 art fair project room, Tokyo (curated by Kosuke Fujitaka)
Straylight Cavern, Cell Project Space, London
The Real Thing, MU art foundation, Eindhoven (curated by vvork)
Love Delirium, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna
FILE, São Paulo
Rhizome commissions, New Museum, New York
Point of no Return, Rubicon Gallery, Dublin (curated by Caroline Hancock)
The Long Cigarette, 11, Amsterdam, Pictura, Dordrecht (curated by Jodi)
Dazed & Confused vs. Andy Warhol, England (curated by Jerome Sans, Baltic Mill)
Existential Computing, Hayward Gallery, London
Much Better Than This, Horsecross, Perth
Neen Evening, Amsterdam
Unlike the Rest, Liquid Room, Tokyo
Neen Demo, Benaki Museum, Athens (curated by Angelo Plessas)
RAI art fair, GMVZ, Amsterdam
Superneen, Galleria Pack, Milan
ARCO Madrid (with Galeria Dels Angels, Barcelona), Madrid
Inside Out, fondsbkvb, Amsterdam
Loop of Neen, Loop Festival, Barcelona
Bienal de Valencia, Spain (curated by Franck Gautherot and Seung-duk Kim)
Sonar Festival, Barcelona
It Will Never be the Same, le Magasin, Grenoble, France (curated by Claude Closky)
Neen Porn, Galeria dels Angels, Barcelona
New Masters of Universe, MoCA Taipei, Taiwan (curated by Wonil Rhee)
NeenToday, MU Art Foundation, Eindhoven, Netherlands (curator)
I am Very Very Sorry, Gallery MVZ, Amsterdam
Afterneen, Casco, Utrecht, Netherlands
Neen World, Vilette Numerique, Paris, New York
2001, Deitch Projects, New York
Tirana Biennale, Albania
Selected bibliography
Doms, Annette. “Rafaël Rozendaal,” Künstler - Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst (Neu-Isenburg: Der
Kunsthandel Verlag) ISSN 0934-1730
Maloney, Jennifer. “Auction House Phillips Enters the Digital Age,” Wall Street Journal, September
Miranda, Carolina A. “The New World of Net Art,” ARTnews, June
Siner, Emily. “If the Internet is Your Canvas, You Paint in Zeros and Ones,” NPR All Tech Considered, November 3
Sifferlin, Alexandra. “Digital Art Clicks on the Auction Block,” TIME, October 21
Vartanian, Hrag. “Will An Auction Help Convince People There’s a Market for New Media Art?” Hyperallergic,
October 9
Van Der Poel, Daniël. “Digitale discriminatie,” Metropolism, April/May
Saeed, Abdullah, “The Mission to Turn Times Square into a Massive Art Gallery,” The Creators Project, October 17
Gouzer, Malka. “The Web Rafaël Rozendaal Weaves,” Inter view, February 7
Goffo, Andrea. “Rafaël Rozendaal,” Vogue Italia Blog, March 15
Van Tienen, Jan. “Rafaël Rozendaal,” VICE, Vol. 5 No. 12
Winter, Caroline, “Smart Robots, Digital Dollars Lure Collectors as Internet Rocks Art World,” Bloomberg, June 7
Davies-Crook, Susanna. “BYOB,” Dazed and Confused
Boutin, Christophe. “Brand New: Rafaël Rozendaal,” Flash Art, May/June
Quaranta, Domenico. “El Arte de los Ciberdanos,”La Tempestad
Aman, Jan, “In at the Deep End,” Dazed and Confused, September
Brereton, Richard. “Make Popcorn Online: Art & the Internet,” Elephant, Winter
Rollin, Laurent. “Pientures sur Toile,” Ecrans, July 1
Manetas, Miltos. “Neenstars Neenstar: #1 Rafaël Rozendaal,” purple, no. 15, Spring/Summer
Rafaël Rozendaal
Born 1980, Amsterdam Lives and works everywhere Solo and two-person exhibitions 2013 Everything you see is in the past, Postmasters Gallery, New York Cold Void, KK Outlet, Los Angeles 6 websites, Salon 94 Bowery, New York (arranged by Mark Brown) 2012 In Motion, W/--- Projects, New York Everything Always Everywhere, Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles Without Hesitation, Tokyo (in collaboration with Calvin Klein Global Creative Director Kevin Carrigan) Everything Dies, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Germany (curated by Vlado Velkov) In and Out, Tetem, The Netherlands 2011 New Information, Nordin Gallery, Stockholm In Motion, W/--- Projects, New York (curated by Jiminie Ha) The Shift, W139, Amsterdam (curated by Tim Voss) To Walk The Night, Gloria Maria Gallery, Milan 2010 Thank You Very Much, Future Gallery, Berlin Perfect Vacuum, Galeri Pictura, Sweden (curated by Johanna Bergmark) Broken Self, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York Yes For Sure, NIMk, Amsterdam (curated by Petra Heck) I’m good, TSCA, Tokyo 2009 Really Really Big, NP3, Groningen 2007 Flaming Log, Carmelitas Gallery, Barcelona Piece by Piece, Galeria dels Angels, Barcelona (curated by Marti Peran) 2005 Neen Season, Sketch, London 2004 It Will Never be the Same, Quarantine, Amsterdam New Rafael, M+R Gallery, London 2002 White Trash, Electronic Orphanage, Los Angeles Selected group exhibitions 2014 Liquid Crystal Display: Young Artworks with Jeremy Blake, Honor Fraser, Los Angeles (curated by Michael Connor and Nate Hitchcock) 2013 Paddles On!, Philips, New York (curated by Lindsey Howard) Being in the Wired World, Kawasaki City Museum, Japan Book Machine, Centre Pompidou, Paris (curated by One Star Press) Node Festival, Kunstverein Frankfurt #FutureMyth, 319 Scholes, New York Brand Innovations for Ubiquitous Authorship, Carroll/Fletcher, London Art Brussels (with Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles) Proyecto Basurto, Mexico City (organized by Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles) Notes on a New Nature: Place, Myth and Memory, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (curated by Nicholas O'Brien) DECENTER, Abrons Arts Center, New York (curated by Andrianna Campbell & Daniel S. Palmer) BYOB Mobile, Printed Matter, New York 2012 Mythology Online, Polytechnical Museum, Moscow Bright Lights After Armageddon, Pablo’s Birthday, New York (curated by Mark Brown) Seoul Square, Seoul, Korea (curated by Lauren Cornell and the New Museum) BYOB MOCA LA, MOCA Geffen, Los Angeles (curated by Mike D) Richteriana, Postmasters Gallery, New York Dotcom, Centre d’Art Bastille, Grenoble Nova, Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo DLD Conference, Germany (curated by Johannes Fricke & Hans Ulrich Obrist) 2011 BYOB: Games, Postmasters Gallery, New York (curated by Paul Slocum,) Extimacy, CACT, Lugano, Switzerland (curated by Pier Giorgio De Pinto) BYOB Amsterdam, W139 (curator) BYOB Tokyo, Tokyo (curated by Yosuke Kurita) BYOB Venezia, Venice Biennial (curator) File Festival, Rio de Janeiro Rhizome at the Armory, New York (curated by Lauren Cornell) BYOB Paris, Paris (curated by Nicolas Maigret) BYOB London, London (curated by Kernel) Rojo Nova Festival, Rio de Janeiro (curated by David Quiles Guilló) DLD Conference, Munich (curated by Johannes Fricke) 2010 Speedshow/PeepShow, Hong Kong (curated by Hitomi Hasegawa) BYOB NYC, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York (curator) Bal Jaune Ricard, Paris (curated by Claire Staebler) BYOB Athens, Kunsthalle Athena (curated by Angelo Plessas) Speedshow, Amsterdam (curated by Aram Bartholl) Happy is a place, Mexico City (curated by Violeta Solís Horcasitas) Taipei Art Fair with TSCA, Taiwan BYOB (bring your own beamer), Berlin (curated with Anne de Vries) Binary Code View, The Agency, London Kunsthalle Athena, Athens (curated by Marina Fokidis) Multiplex, Munich (curated by Vvork) Preferiría (si) Hacerlo, Bogotá Texture Maps, Nest, The Hague (curated by Eelco van der Lingen) Circa art fair, Preteen gallery, Puerto Rico Better Brain: Projected Manifestations of Futurity, Future Gallery, Berlin Don’t worry, be happy!, Mama, Rotterdam (curated by Gerben Willers) 2009 The Last Session, Amsterdam (curated by Jan van Woensel) AFK sculpture park (away from keyboard), Berlin (curated by aids-3D) Afficha Festival, Moscow (curated by Roman Mazurenko) Biennale di Venezia, Padiglione Internet, Venice (curated by Miltos Manetas and Jan Aman) The New Easy, Art News, Berlin (curated by Lars Eijssen) Are you sure you are you?, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York 101 art fair project room, Tokyo (curated by Kosuke Fujitaka) Straylight Cavern, Cell Project Space, London The Real Thing, MU art foundation, Eindhoven (curated by vvork) 2008 Love Delirium, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna FILE, São Paulo Rhizome commissions, New Museum, New York Point of no Return, Rubicon Gallery, Dublin (curated by Caroline Hancock) The Long Cigarette, 11, Amsterdam, Pictura, Dordrecht (curated by Jodi) 2007 Dazed & Confused vs. Andy Warhol, England (curated by Jerome Sans, Baltic Mill) Existential Computing, Hayward Gallery, London Much Better Than This, Horsecross, Perth 2006 Neen Evening, Amsterdam Unlike the Rest, Liquid Room, Tokyo Neen Demo, Benaki Museum, Athens (curated by Angelo Plessas) RAI art fair, GMVZ, Amsterdam Superneen, Galleria Pack, Milan ARCO Madrid (with Galeria Dels Angels, Barcelona), Madrid Inside Out, fondsbkvb, Amsterdam 2005 Loop of Neen, Loop Festival, Barcelona Bienal de Valencia, Spain (curated by Franck Gautherot and Seung-duk Kim) Sonar Festival, Barcelona It Will Never be the Same, le Magasin, Grenoble, France (curated by Claude Closky) 2004 Neen Porn, Galeria dels Angels, Barcelona New Masters of Universe, MoCA Taipei, Taiwan (curated by Wonil Rhee) NeenToday, MU Art Foundation, Eindhoven, Netherlands (curator) I am Very Very Sorry, Gallery MVZ, Amsterdam 2002 Afterneen, Casco, Utrecht, Netherlands Neen World, Vilette Numerique, Paris, New York 2001, Deitch Projects, New York Tirana Biennale, Albania Selected bibliography 2013 Doms, Annette. “Rafaël Rozendaal,” Künstler - Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst (Neu-Isenburg: Der Kunsthandel Verlag) ISSN 0934-1730 Maloney, Jennifer. “Auction House Phillips Enters the Digital Age,” Wall Street Journal, September Miranda, Carolina A. “The New World of Net Art,” ARTnews, June Siner, Emily. “If the Internet is Your Canvas, You Paint in Zeros and Ones,” NPR All Tech Considered, November 3 Sifferlin, Alexandra. “Digital Art Clicks on the Auction Block,” TIME, October 21 Vartanian, Hrag. “Will An Auction Help Convince People There’s a Market for New Media Art?” Hyperallergic, October 9 Van Der Poel, Daniël. “Digitale discriminatie,” Metropolism, April/May 2012 Saeed, Abdullah, “The Mission to Turn Times Square into a Massive Art Gallery,” The Creators Project, October 17 2011 Gouzer, Malka. “The Web Rafaël Rozendaal Weaves,” Inter view, February 7 Goffo, Andrea. “Rafaël Rozendaal,” Vogue Italia Blog, March 15 Van Tienen, Jan. “Rafaël Rozendaal,” VICE, Vol. 5 No. 12 Winter, Caroline, “Smart Robots, Digital Dollars Lure Collectors as Internet Rocks Art World,” Bloomberg, June 7 Davies-Crook, Susanna. “BYOB,” Dazed and Confused 2010 Boutin, Christophe. “Brand New: Rafaël Rozendaal,” Flash Art, May/June Quaranta, Domenico. “El Arte de los Ciberdanos,”La Tempestad 2009 Aman, Jan, “In at the Deep End,” Dazed and Confused, September Brereton, Richard. “Make Popcorn Online: Art & the Internet,” Elephant, Winter 2006 Rollin, Laurent. “Pientures sur Toile,” Ecrans, July 1 2003 Manetas, Miltos. “Neenstars Neenstar: #1 Rafaël Rozendaal,” purple, no. 15, Spring/Summer