born 1988
2015-16 Philosophy in the context of art, KKH Stockholm, SE
Prof. Peter Osborne
2014-15 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, AT (Erasmus)
2013-15 MFA, Art Institute, FHNW/HGK Basel, CH
Prof. Chus Martinez, Dr. Roman Kurzmeyer,
Alexandra Navratil et al
2007-13 fadbk Essen, DE
Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Award of the NRW-competition
Cologne Short Film Festival, 3d Jury Prize
blicke. Filmfestival des Ruhrgebiets, Querdenkerpreis
Residency Berlin, Atelier Mondial Basel
Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt, Werkbeitrag
Selected recent exhibitions/festivals/screenings
transmediale face value, HKW Berlin, DE
Hamburg Documentary Film Week, DE
European Media Art Festival Osnabrück, DE
Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, DE
Hamburg International Short Film Festival, DE
Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt, Jahresausstellung
Werkbeiträge, Kunsthalle Basel, CH
Regionale 18 – House of Electronic Arts Basel, CH
IDFA, Amsterdam, NL
Kassel Dokfest, DE
Cologne Short Film Festival, DE
blicke. Filmfestival des Ruhrgebiets, Bochum, DE
UNDOX, 21er Haus, Vienna, AT
Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, DE
Kumu Art Film Fest., Eesti Kunstimuuseum, Tallinn, ES
blicke. Filmfestival des Ruhrgebiets, Bochum, DE
Rundgang, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Mx. World. On the Million Genders of the Real. MFA
graduation exhibition, Kunsthalle Basel
Marian Mayland
born 1988 Education 2015-16 Philosophy in the context of art, KKH Stockholm, SEProf. Peter Osborne2014-15 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, AT (Erasmus)2013-15 MFA, Art Institute, FHNW/HGK Basel, CHProf. Chus Martinez, Dr. Roman Kurzmeyer,Alexandra Navratil et al2007-13 fadbk Essen, DE Residencies/awards 2018Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Award of the NRW-competition2017Cologne Short Film Festival, 3d Jury Prizeblicke. Filmfestival des Ruhrgebiets, Querdenkerpreis 2016Residency Berlin, Atelier Mondial BaselKunstkredit Basel-Stadt, Werkbeitrag Selected recent exhibitions/festivals/screenings 2018transmediale face value, HKW Berlin, DEHamburg Documentary Film Week, DEEuropean Media Art Festival Osnabrück, DEOberhausen International Short Film Festival, DEHamburg International Short Film Festival, DE 2017Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt, JahresausstellungWerkbeiträge, Kunsthalle Basel, CHRegionale 18 – House of Electronic Arts Basel, CHIDFA, Amsterdam, NLKassel Dokfest, DECologne Short Film Festival, DEblicke. Filmfestival des Ruhrgebiets, Bochum, DEUNDOX, 21er Haus, Vienna, AT 2016Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, DEKumu Art Film Fest., Eesti Kunstimuuseum, Tallinn, ES 2015blicke. Filmfestival des Ruhrgebiets, Bochum, DERundgang, Academy of Fine Arts ViennaMx. World. On the Million Genders of the Real. MFAgraduation exhibition, Kunsthalle Basel