An important emphasis in the artistic praxis of Franziska Kabisch is put on the complex
language/speech in general and the act of translation in particular. She deals with questions like: How does (another) language determine the locations of the self, the perception of the self? Does a different language/a different way of speaking lead to a different thinking, to a different kind of production? How can one´s own act of speaking be used in light of the fact that this act is never finished and has to be renewed endlessly?
Michaela Melián
Born 1990 in Münster
2009 Abitur at Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium Münster
since 2009 studies of Fine Arts at Prof. Michaela Melián, Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg, as well as at Prof. Claude Closky and Prof. Marie-Jose Burki, Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux Arts Paris (2011/12)
since 2011 collaboration with Laura Nitsch as collective N/K (
since 2012 organisation lectures / seminars "Wer spricht und wer handelt" at HFBK
since 2012 Participation and or management of seminars Postkoloniale Theorie: Philosophie and Politik and Postkoloniale Theorie and Post-Marxism of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,establishment and management of the Working Group Political Theory in the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
since 2014 Degree Critical Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
since 2014 Co-organization of the film series Cinéma de ... to African and afrodiasporischem film in the B-Movie Hamburg
2016 qualification as Basisbildungs trainer for German as second language and alphabetization with
adults, AlfaZentrum VHS Wien
Das was ist, ist, finalist for Newcomer Award, Theater Drachengasse Vienna
Debatterie! Antagonismen aufführen, thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor Bremen
Tell Tales, art festival, Mainz
Das Begreifen / The Grasping, 21er Haus Vienna
Dein eigenes Portal zu einem Gedankengang, Videodrome 2, Marseille
Attitudes, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn
Die Tauschaustellung, VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs, Vienna
kineLab, Metropolis Kino, Hamburg
Leo Kuelbs Collection, Light Year: Program 8, Manhattan Bridge Projection Series, New York
New German Video Art: Your Skin Makes Me Cry, Gallery Loop, Seoul
Your Skin Makes Me Cry, Goethe-Institut Chicago
Ordnung und Struktur, thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor, Bremen
Artificial Labor, Kunstpavillon Munich
Foveal Experiments, Khoj International Artists’ Association, New Delhi
Attitudes, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin
8. Bremer Kunstfrühling, Gleishalle am Güterbahnhof Bremen
HfBK Absolvent_innenausstellung
Atlas 2013 (Kunststudentinnen und Kunststudenten stellen aus), Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (as collective KLUNKER)
DISKURS´13 - festival for young peforming arts, Gießen
LA SERRE at mfc2 by LA VILLE RAYÉE, Galerie MCF michèle didier, Paris
Lieber Aby Warburg, was tun mit Bildern?, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen (G)
HISCOX Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Hamburg (G)
Folgendes: One or Many, HFBK Hamburg (S as N/K)
AUSREDEN, Etappe 2 (performance), LOGE, Gängeviertel Hamburg (S)
AUSREDEN, Etappe 3, Look-At-Me-Performance-Festival, HFBK Hamburg (G)
Geld oder Liebe, Raum linksrechts, Hamburg (S as N/K)
Abstract-Mad-Stir-Delirium-Copper-Bottomed-Work-Stick-Shop, together with Ei Arakawa, Nick Mauss, Yuki Kimura and the class of Prof. Jutta Koether, Daad Galerie, Berlin (G)
Johann Bernoulli, Golden Pudel Club, Hamburg (S)
ALICE, ASA Studios, Hamburg (G)
Public Pad, FRISE e.V., Hamburg (G)
Aide-Mémoire, SpecOps, Münster (G)
Mandel #1 – Positive Zeichen HAHN, Galerie Genscher, Hamburg (G)
Benny Lévy, Galerie Am Gleise, Hamburg (S)
Oh, Mein Wort, Frappant e.V., Hamburg (G)
Awards / scholarships
2017 Pixel, Bytes & Film – Artist in Residence, ORFIII, BKA, arte creative and Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2016 Theodor-Körner-Förderpreis, awarded by the Austrian Federal President Heinz Fischer
appreciation prize, competition „Körperansichten“, FrauenFilmTage and Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2015 BMWFW Advancement Scholarship Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2014 1. Price Intervideo Talent Award (for Ein film)
2013 Prize for Fine Arts by Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung at the Bundeswettbewerb Kunststudentinnen und Kunststudenten stellen aus (collektive KLUNKER)
Jury Award Festival des Cinémas Différents et Experimentaux de Paris (for Ein Film)
Honorable mention, 13. Flensburger Kurzfilmtage (for Ein Film)
2012 Special Mention, HISCOX Art Prize, Kunsthaus Hamburg
2011 Scholarship HfbK / Alfred-Töpfer-Stiftung for residence in Paris
Scholarship by Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (ongoing)
Franziska Kabisch
Born 1990 in Münster Education 2009 Abitur at Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium Münster since 2009 studies of Fine Arts at Prof. Michaela Melián, Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg, as well as at Prof. Claude Closky and Prof. Marie-Jose Burki, Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux Arts Paris (2011/12) since 2011 collaboration with Laura Nitsch as collective N/K ( since 2012 organisation lectures / seminars Wer spricht und wer handelt at HFBK since 2012 Participation and or management of seminars Postkoloniale Theorie: Philosophie and Politik and Postkoloniale Theorie and Post-Marxism of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,establishment and management of the Working Group Political Theory in the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung since 2014 Degree Critical Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna since 2014 Co-organization of the film series Cinéma de ... to African and afrodiasporischem film in the B-Movie Hamburg 2016 qualification as Basisbildungs trainer for German as second language and alphabetization with adults, AlfaZentrum VHS Wien Exhibitions 2017 Das was ist, ist, finalist for Newcomer Award, Theater Drachengasse Vienna Debatterie! Antagonismen aufführen, thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor Bremen Tell Tales, art festival, Mainz 2016 Das Begreifen / The Grasping, 21er Haus Vienna Dein eigenes Portal zu einem Gedankengang, Videodrome 2, Marseille Attitudes, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn Die Tauschaustellung, VBKÖ – Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs, Vienna kineLab, Metropolis Kino, Hamburg 2015 Leo Kuelbs Collection, Light Year: Program 8, Manhattan Bridge Projection Series, New York New German Video Art: Your Skin Makes Me Cry, Gallery Loop, Seoul Your Skin Makes Me Cry, Goethe-Institut Chicago Ordnung und Struktur, thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor, Bremen Artificial Labor, Kunstpavillon Munich Foveal Experiments, Khoj International Artists’ Association, New Delhi Attitudes, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin 2014 8. Bremer Kunstfrühling, Gleishalle am Güterbahnhof Bremen HfBK Absolvent_innenausstellung 2013 Atlas 2013 (Kunststudentinnen und Kunststudenten stellen aus), Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (as collective KLUNKER) DISKURS´13 - festival for young peforming arts, Gießen LA SERRE at mfc2 by LA VILLE RAYÉE, Galerie MCF michèle didier, Paris 2012 Lieber Aby Warburg, was tun mit Bildern?, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen (G) HISCOX Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Hamburg (G) Folgendes: One or Many, HFBK Hamburg (S as N/K) AUSREDEN, Etappe 2 (performance), LOGE, Gängeviertel Hamburg (S) AUSREDEN, Etappe 3, Look-At-Me-Performance-Festival, HFBK Hamburg (G) Geld oder Liebe, Raum linksrechts, Hamburg (S as N/K) 2011 Abstract-Mad-Stir-Delirium-Copper-Bottomed-Work-Stick-Shop, together with Ei Arakawa, Nick Mauss, Yuki Kimura and the class of Prof. Jutta Koether, Daad Galerie, Berlin (G) Johann Bernoulli, Golden Pudel Club, Hamburg (S) ALICE, ASA Studios, Hamburg (G) Public Pad, FRISE e.V., Hamburg (G) Aide-Mémoire, SpecOps, Münster (G) Mandel #1 – Positive Zeichen HAHN, Galerie Genscher, Hamburg (G) Benny Lévy, Galerie Am Gleise, Hamburg (S) 2010 Oh, Mein Wort, Frappant e.V., Hamburg (G) Awards / scholarships 2017 Pixel, Bytes & Film – Artist in Residence, ORFIII, BKA, arte creative and Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 2016 Theodor-Körner-Förderpreis, awarded by the Austrian Federal President Heinz Fischer appreciation prize, competition „Körperansichten“, FrauenFilmTage and Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 2015 BMWFW Advancement Scholarship Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 2014 1. Price Intervideo Talent Award (for Ein film) 2013 Prize for Fine Arts by Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung at the Bundeswettbewerb Kunststudentinnen und Kunststudenten stellen aus (collektive KLUNKER) Jury Award Festival des Cinémas Différents et Experimentaux de Paris (for Ein Film) Honorable mention, 13. Flensburger Kurzfilmtage (for Ein Film) 2012 Special Mention, HISCOX Art Prize, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2011 Scholarship HfbK / Alfred-Töpfer-Stiftung for residence in Paris Scholarship by Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (ongoing)