Born August 20th, 1985 in Berlin, Germany
2014 Diplom with distinction
2008-2014 Studies of Media Art and Communication Design at the University of Art and Design, Karlsruhe, DE
2010-2011 Studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
Exhibitions (selection)
The Surface of Shrimp, UVE art collection, Berlin, DE 2017 Videonale 16, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, DE
Berlin Art Prize, Kühlhaus, Berlin, DE
Supernature, solo show at Kunstraum, London, GB 2016An Extraterrestrial Experience, c3 Gallery, Melbourne, AU 2016 / Would've Done Everything For You, The Plug, London, GB 2016 SEXES, Studio for Artistic Research, Düsseldorf, DE
Jungs, hier kommt der Masterplan, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, SZ 2015 Jonny, Galerie lnsitu, Berlin, DE
Channels, Australian Centre for The Moving Image, Melbourne, AU 2015 International Youth Art
Biennale, Jinling Art Museum, Nanjing, CN 2015 Übermorgenkünstler, Staatliche Kunsthalle
Baden-Baden, DE 2015Art Nova 100, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Bejing, CN 2015Arte
Laguna Prize, Arsenale, Venice, IT
Filmwinter Expanded Media, Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart, GER 2014 Brno Biennial, Moravian Gallery, Brno, CZE
USE 2 Be USB, Rongwong Gallery, Amsterdam, NL 2014 Crossing Media, Villa Merkel, Esslingen, DE
Visions Of Gertrude, Stag op het Slaak, Amsterdam, NL 2013 Ja-Aber!, Orgelfabrik, Karlsruhe, DE
A Retrospective Of Tomorrow's Artists, Schillerpalais, Berlin, DE 2012 A Ghost,
Gift_lab-Gallery, Tokyo, JP
A Ghost, Musashino Art University, Tokyo, JP
ARD Audiodrama Days, ZKMI Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, DE 2011 Thirteen Speculations, De
Service Garage, Amsterdam, NL
Wildings, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, AU 2017 Experimental Filmsand
Video Art from Germany, Vol 3:
Premiere at Filmwinter, Stuttgart, DE
Kassel Dokfest, Monitoring Exhibition, DE 2016 Cairotronica, Ministry of Culture, Cairo, EG
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, DE 2016 Organized Orgasms, Palatin Kino, Mainz, DE
Xposed - International Queer Film Festival, Berlin, DE 2015 Paradise Cinema, Lake Mountain, AU
Backup, Kurzfilmfestival, Weimar, GER
Kuba Paris - ,,Das schöne als radikale Obsession", Interview with Vivien Trommer PETRle - "WOMAN
POWER", Interview with Sorana Serban
Artline Kunstmagazin - ,,Jahresausstellungs-Spezial", Feature SLEEK MAG - ''Jonny - a Show Where
Pleasure is Your Guide" Libertine Mag- ,,KENNST DU EIGENTLICH SCHON JONNY?"
Art-magazin - ,,Junge Kunst, Lotte Meret Effinger, Supernature"
Südkurier - "Die Kunst lässt die Muskeln spielen"
2017 Jan Van Eyck, Maastricht, NL
2015 a room that.., Spinnereigeländer, Leipzig, DE 2013 Citro druck+ateliers, Zürich, CH
2016 Kassel Film and Video Festival -Award for best media installation 2016 Emerging Artists
Program - German Short Film Association
2015 Prize from the foundation of Fruchtmalerei in cooperation with the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden
Scholarship from the Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg
2013 Project-Grant from the ZKM I
Museum of Contemporary Art
2010 Promos-EU-Stipendium
2009 Gunther-Schroff-Scholarship
With One's Teeth Bared (Surface Glaze) UVE art collection, Berlin, DE
Surface Glaze
Lafayette Anticipation, Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin, Paris, FE (2016)
Kunstkredit, Kanton Basel-Stadt, CH (2015)
2016 Initiator and co-funder ofthe SEXES Collective with Florian Meyer and Marco Buetikofer
2016 Authentie Exoticism, SEXES Concept and Artwork with Marco Buetikofer and Florian Meyer, (DE)
2015 BODYOFWORK, FAK, Editorial and Art Direction, (DE)
2013 k-dän(t)s - Don't DJ Artwork, (DE), 2013
ri0.em - Don't DJ Artwork, (DE), 2013
Pornstudies, Lotte Meret Effinger, Illustrations, (CH)
2012 MOBILE FREUNDSCHAFT), HfG Edition, Editorial and Art Direction, (DE)
THIS IS SO MUCH FUN, Lotte Meret Effinger, Illustrations, (NL)
Lotte Meret Effinger
Born August 20th, 1985 in Berlin, Germany Education 2014 Diplom with distinction 2008-2014 Studies of Media Art and Communication Design at the University of Art and Design, Karlsruhe, DE 2010-2011 Studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL Exhibitions (selection) 2017 The Surface of Shrimp, UVE art collection, Berlin, DE 2017 Videonale 16, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, DE 2016 Berlin Art Prize, Kühlhaus, Berlin, DE Supernature, solo show at Kunstraum, London, GB 2016An Extraterrestrial Experience, c3 Gallery, Melbourne, AU 2016 / Would've Done Everything For You, The Plug, London, GB 2016 SEXES, Studio for Artistic Research, Düsseldorf, DE 2015 Jungs, hier kommt der Masterplan, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, SZ 2015 Jonny, Galerie lnsitu, Berlin, DE Channels, Australian Centre for The Moving Image, Melbourne, AU 2015 International Youth Art Biennale, Jinling Art Museum, Nanjing, CN 2015 Übermorgenkünstler, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, DE 2015Art Nova 100, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Bejing, CN 2015Arte Laguna Prize, Arsenale, Venice, IT Filmwinter Expanded Media, Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart, GER 2014 Brno Biennial, Moravian Gallery, Brno, CZE 2014 USE 2 Be USB, Rongwong Gallery, Amsterdam, NL 2014 Crossing Media, Villa Merkel, Esslingen, DE Visions Of Gertrude, Stag op het Slaak, Amsterdam, NL 2013 Ja-Aber!, Orgelfabrik, Karlsruhe, DE 2012 A Retrospective Of Tomorrow's Artists, Schillerpalais, Berlin, DE 2012 A Ghost, Gift_lab-Gallery, Tokyo, JP A Ghost, Musashino Art University, Tokyo, JP ARD Audiodrama Days, ZKMI Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, DE 2011 Thirteen Speculations, De Service Garage, Amsterdam, NL Festivals 2017 Wildings, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, AU 2017 Experimental Filmsand Video Art from Germany, Vol 3: Premiere at Filmwinter, Stuttgart, DE 2016 Kassel Dokfest, Monitoring Exhibition, DE 2016 Cairotronica, Ministry of Culture, Cairo, EG European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, DE 2016 Organized Orgasms, Palatin Kino, Mainz, DE Xposed - International Queer Film Festival, Berlin, DE 2015 Paradise Cinema, Lake Mountain, AU 2015 Backup, Kurzfilmfestival, Weimar, GER Press Kuba Paris - ,,Das schöne als radikale Obsession, Interview with Vivien Trommer PETRle - WOMAN POWER, Interview with Sorana Serban Artline Kunstmagazin - ,,Jahresausstellungs-Spezial, Feature SLEEK MAG - ''Jonny - a Show Where Pleasure is Your Guide Libertine Mag- ,,KENNST DU EIGENTLICH SCHON JONNY? Art-magazin - ,,Junge Kunst, Lotte Meret Effinger, Supernature Südkurier - Die Kunst lässt die Muskeln spielen Residencies 2017 Jan Van Eyck, Maastricht, NL 2015 a room that.., Spinnereigeländer, Leipzig, DE 2013 Citro druck+ateliers, Zürich, CH Scholarships 2016 Kassel Film and Video Festival -Award for best media installation 2016 Emerging Artists Program - German Short Film Association 2015 Prize from the foundation of Fruchtmalerei in cooperation with the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden Scholarship from the Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg 2013 Project-Grant from the ZKM I Museum of Contemporary Art 2010 Promos-EU-Stipendium 2009 Gunther-Schroff-Scholarship Collections With One's Teeth Bared (Surface Glaze) UVE art collection, Berlin, DE Surface Glaze Lafayette Anticipation, Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin, Paris, FE (2016) Supernature Kunstkredit, Kanton Basel-Stadt, CH (2015) Other 2016 Initiator and co-funder ofthe SEXES Collective with Florian Meyer and Marco Buetikofer Publications 2016 Authentie Exoticism, SEXES Concept and Artwork with Marco Buetikofer and Florian Meyer, (DE) 2015 BODYOFWORK, FAK, Editorial and Art Direction, (DE) 2013 k-dän(t)s - Don't DJ Artwork, (DE), 2013 ri0.em - Don't DJ Artwork, (DE), 2013 Pornstudies, Lotte Meret Effinger, Illustrations, (CH) 2012 MOBILE FREUNDSCHAFT), HfG Edition, Editorial and Art Direction, (DE) THIS IS SO MUCH FUN, Lotte Meret Effinger, Illustrations, (NL)